Tuesday, April 19, 2011

copy from someone

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards
sitting in her front yard.She did not recognize them. She said "I dont
think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have
something to eat."
於是说: "我想我并不认识你们,不过你们应该饿了,请进来吃点东西吧。"

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.
"家里的男主人在吗?" 老人们问。

"No", she said. "Hes out."
"不在" 妇人说: "他出去了。"

"Then we cannot come in," they replied.
"那我们不能进去。" 老人们回答说。

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in.

"We do not go into a House together," they replied.
"我们不可以一起进去一个房屋内。" 老人们回答说。

"Why is that?" she wanted to know.
"为什么呢?" 妇人想要了解。

One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth, " he said pointing
to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success,
and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband
which one of us you want in your home."
其中一位老人解释说: "他的名字是财富。" 指著他的一位朋友说。
然后又指著另外一位说: "他是成功,而我是爱。"
接著又补充说: "你现在进去跟你丈夫讨论看看,要我们其中的哪一位到你们的家里。

"The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was
"How nice!!," he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth.
Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"
妇人进去告诉她丈夫刚刚谈话的内容。她丈夫非常高兴的的说: "原来是这么一回事

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why dont we invite Success?"

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the
house.She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to
invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-laws advice," said the husband to his wife.
"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love?
Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got
up and followed him.Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success:"I only
invited Love, Why are you coming in?"

The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success,
the other two of us wouldve stayed out, but since you invited Love,
wherever he goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also
Wealth and Success!!!!!!"


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